Tighten Loose Eyelid Skin With A Blepharoplasty

Published on February 25, 2020

Blepharoplasty is also known as eyelid surgery or eyelift surgery. It is a cosmetic procedure wherein the focus lies on the removal of excess skin from the upper eyelids and reduction of bagginess from the lower eyelids, which occur due to deposition of fat, muscle, and surplus skin.

This surgery helps in correcting deformities of the eyelids and enhances the aesthetic features of the face. People choose to go for blepharoplasty with advancing age. It is also an effective way to improve eyesight.

A short procedure of a few hours, blepharoplasty for the lower eyelids generally lasts permanently. On the other hand, it might have to be repeated for the upper eyelid in 5 to 7 years.

Blepharoplasty will tighten loose eyelid skin and improve your appearance. However, you should seek the advice of your surgeon regarding suitability for your face structure.

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