Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Newport Beach

We fight gravity everywhere! And the arm is no exception. As the skin loosens from either age or weight loss, the arm can develop a “winged” appearance. The correction of this problem requires careful thought and technique. We need to remove the excess skin, attempt to place the scar in the least noticeable area, and restore the normal cone-shaped appearance of the arm.

In truth, I think almost any surgeon could simply cut the excess skin of; but trading excess skin for an arm that does not look like an arm, I don’t think benefits you. And for that reason, I think you want the time and expertise to: (1) remove the excess sagging skin (2) tighten the remaining skin (3) Design the skin removal and remaining skin to create a youthful cone-shaped arm.

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    490 N Mountain Ave, Ste A Upland, CA 91786
    Phone: 909-301-0102

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    1401 Avocado Avenue Suite 501a Newport Beach, CA 92660
    Phone: 949-416-0038

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